Thank you all members and instructors that donate goods, time and helping us spread the news around to make our GX Gives back a success.
Some of our instructors and members that are free that day did went with us.
it was a great day for us and the children.
SHelter Home:
70% of the children were gang rape, sexually abuse, neglated, and parents with coourt oders not to get close to them.all of them has a story to tell. but they were all great/independent kids. so there are alot that we can do. not just in term of money, but also time. as these kids are not allow to leave the shelter, and cannot watch TV on the weekdays, they would be glad to have us over to play with them or educate them. Shelter home also supports 300 refugees and 600 prison children. So, old goods are most welcome.
we also have alfee showing the kids what is bodypump, and demo a up right row with 2 tong of minyak:p
not forgetting.....adrian...showing bodycombat to the kids....and abusing...ops...i mean.....teaching them....:P
thanks to azmy, kim, kress, alfee and his sons, adrian,jack, nora.
Agathians SHelter:
the home that alex c went to, well, it has lots of childres and they could use alot more donation and funding. condition is much worst then shelter home.
thanks to Alex C, Daniel, mei Ling and family, annie to take picture in the studio but can see her face:P, john...and also nic, our member cum celebrity chef, that makes...yum yum cup cakes!
Rumah Hope:
well, they got lots of donations. and...i think it is a rich home. cos...they go so many flat screen pc and air condition library:)
thanks to simone, ethan , purdey, cynthia and hartamas members that also brought 80 ice creams!
below are some pic!